Forget Blogging: My Future As An Advertising Executive

I have had some inquiries since the Chuck E. Cheese fiasco regarding how potty training is going. In a word: it’s not. OK, that’s more like 2 (or 2.5 if you want to get picky like my former editor and count the contraction.)

Or rather, potty training was going well early last week. Hadley was especially elated over her (and I quote): “Big pile of poop!” And she proceeded to tell everyone she encountered about it. And believe me, as the person forced to scrape it out of her little potty: it was a pile. And it was big. And it made me wish she defecated more like her friend Nolan, who proves there is no shame in being a rabbit pellet man.
But instead I am left with Hadley’s cow patty on steroids. And I thought dealing with her diapers was bad.

She was doing so well last week that I figured it would soon be a done deal until she woke up one morning and announced, “Haddie not go potty today” as if to say after two harrowing days, she was retiring from the potty business. She wished me well in my own potty pursuits and wiped her hands of the whole experience. This is where we are at.

I have decided the diaper industry has got it all wrong. While we’re encouraging our children to get out of them, they should be encouraging adults to get back in. This point was illustrated by our friend Andy during our recent trip up to the mountains. He had just woken up from a long nap and grumbled, “I could’ve slept all afternoon but I had to get up and pee. The only thing that would’ve made it better was Depends.”

As his wife Meredith convulsed, I secretly rejoiced I was not married to that man. Until mine chimed in, “I hear ya! When I was snowed in last year while Amber was in Canada, I dragged the futon and mini-fridge in front of the TV and camped out. Depends would have saved the day.”

And so to the Depends marketers out there…you have the wrong target market in your campaigns:

(though I think I’d fire the ad agency that coined this winner stating it is worth it to pee your pants if you’re just able to use the hula hoop again.)

But instead, I’d target this: lazy husbands everywhere.

An award-winning campaign strategy?…

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