Wonderful mothers are to be celebrated and I feel blessed to be surrounded by so many. I have a generous and funny mom who still sends me care packages and the ideal mother-in-law who is is kind and thoughtful. Truly, I scored on the mom card! But mother-daughter relationships must be navigated carefully; I’ve certainly had my share of prideful conflicts.
At Mile High Mamas this week, I asked my bloggers and readers to submit stories about their favorite mom memories. I know 99% of relationships aren’t perfect but I was shocked at the response. About one-third replied back to me that they couldn’t do it, that they have major ongoing conflicts or are completely estranged from their moms. And that just made me really, really, really sad they couldn’t think of even one nice memory of their mom to share. Surely, she had done at least one redeeming thing in her life? My kids are my world and I can’t imagine them not being a part of my life after they have grown up.
A few years ago, I gave a talk in church and shared a story I’ve never forgotten. There was a man who saved up his money for years and sacrificed a lot to purchase his dream car: a Porsche. Finally, that blessed day came for him to purchase it and on the drive home, he felt like he was on top of the world! Until someone who wasn’t paying attention, ran into the side fender, leaving a small dent. Furious, the man stormed out of the car, set it on fire and walked away.
Ridiculous? Of course it is and that’s the point. How many of us work for years at building a relationship and at even the smallest conflict, let it escalate to the point where we just walk away without trying to repair the damage? I have some good friends who had really tough childhoods and I completely understand estrangement when there is/was abuse involved. But these amazing friends, while setting their own boundaries, have forgiven…and continue to forgive…over and over again. They are truly tremendous examples in my eyes.
I’d like to think most of us are doing the best that we know how and yes, we very often fall short. I LOVE this short video on the divine role of mothers.