Hunky Hubby’s Politically Incorrect Scientific Findings

What a Weekend Part II will be forthcoming. Just as soon as I have the time and energy to relive it all.

In the meantime, Jamie called me on his way home from work yesterday with some pertinent information. At least according to him.

“Hey Amber. I was listening to the radio and they had some gender wars regarding what it takes to get a man to help around the house.”

“I am listening. Impatiently.”

“Well, one caller said his wife dresses up in a sexy little maid outfit and asks him to clean. With expected rewards at the end, of course, but it works every time.”

“Yeah, right.” I turn my attention to Bode. “You’re not ever going to be a man like that, right?”

“Amber, he already is. Just look at how he reacts when you nurse him.”

Jamie had a point. The moment I whip it out, a big grin emerges on Bode’s face. He immediately dives in, only to detach several times absolutely beaming. Like he’s in newborn nooky nirvana.

“And so you see Amber, from day one there is a positive association for men with breasts.”

“But what about those baby boys who aren’t breastfed?”

“Well, there are a lot of homosexuals out there…”

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