I Would Like to Thank the Academy

I am alive but it has just been a busy week with a compendium of activities. I shall give the full report when I can carve out more than a few minutes. For now, I am currently throwing everything together to go to the beach with the kids today. Yes, you heard correctly: I shall immerse myself in sun, sand and water a.k.a. the three plagues of Amber.

However, I would be remiss if I did not thank you, dear friends, for your generosity. First, for nominating me for a Rockin’ Girl Blogger award.

I would like to return the favor to Loralee, Wendy, Kristy, Stie, and Aubrey.

I am also a finalist for “Most Athletic” in the 2007 Bloggy Hoss Elections. On behalf of moms everywhere who wear sweatpants to scale tall mountains because they can’t yet fit back into their sassy little hiking pants, I graciously accept this nomination. Why else should you vote for me?

  • I climbed to the top of the stairs today…without losing my breath.
  • I did leg lunges for an hour yesterday whilst cleaning out the fridge after a 5-gallon container of fruit punch magically combusted. And I am not sore.

The funny thing is I didn’t even know I was in the running. Get it? Most Athletic? Running.

I am still shocked I wasn’t nominated for Class Clown….

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