Let’s Make Lots of Money

We have enjoyed a glorious week of playgrounds, ponds, picnics and potty training. All right, so maybe the latter activity is significantly less than glorious and my patience is beginning to wear thin is positively anorexic.

Yesterday, I set the children loose at a fountain park. Or rather, I set the Hurricane loose.

Ever-cautious Bode analyzed these shooting streams of chlorine and calculated the associated risks. After a half hour, he hesitatingly made his approach, only to scurry back to me each time.

His downfall was not the actual fountain but rather, the brief interlude when it stopped spewing. If the kid had any sense about him, he would know that Old Faithful is just that: faithful. And those cool bubbles that formed in the interim turned very quickly into an onslaught of water.

That is where good parenting comes in.

Or at least, it should. Unless you’re out for a laugh.

It did not end well for little Bode.

While I was taking pictures of our outing, I was reminded of a hot topic at BlogHer regarding the monetization of blogs. This was highly controversial among the Mommy Bloggers in particular because critics say by having ads we are just using our children to make a buck.

And so in the light of exploitation, I am proud to announce Bode’s future with a certain sporting goods company:

And Hadley? Surely there must be some money in the en*ema market….

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