The Second Grade Pumpkin Expert

The school year is winding down (or would that be up?) at a frenetic pace and these next weeks will be chock full of piano recitals, school plays, violin concerts, chaperoning Hadley’s three-day class camping trip and so much more.

On Thursday we had Bode’s final parent-teacher conference of second grade and he proudly escorted us around the classroom playing math games and showing off his Power-Point-knock-off slideshow presentation about cobras (the horror). Though we weren’t thrilled about his teacher at the beginning of the year, Bode liked her and thrived in her strict classroom. It’s called brown nosing and he’s really good at it. Case in point: when we walked in, a little girl was sitting there with her dad and raved, “That Bode, he’s the best boy in class!”

Guess he’s been sucking up to the ladies, too.

I was feeling pretty good about Bode’s year until he brought out his conference portfolio and showed us his first published book: “How to grow pumpkins.”

Jamie, of course, was thrilled.

I, on the other hand, want my (public school) money back.


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