Time to Wake the Girl

Ying and Yang strike again. I’m not a night person and neither is Bode. When we’re tired, we go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up early. In fact, that kid of mine is so weird that he sets his alarm clock a half-hour early so he can come in and snuggle until it’s time to get ready for school. Who does that?

Certainly not Hadley. She’s a night owl and does her best creating in the wee hours. While Bode is in bed by 9 p.m., we’ll let her stay up until 10 p.m. on school nights but then we can’t get her out of bed in the mornings. I’ve tried everything I can think of: alarm clock, waking her up in 10-minute increments, niceties, threats–you name it. Miraculously, we have never once been later for school.

When I initially saw this video “Time to Wake Up the Boy,” a three-year complication of one father’s attempts to wake up his son, I thought it was horrible. Sure, it was funny but that poor kid!

After my umpteenth battle with Hadley trying to drag her out of bed this week, I totally get it.

Time to Wake The Girl, Mom Edition.

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