Mastering reading but not quite a master

We’ve had our share of ups and downs with Hadley’s teacher this year but we’re hopeful 2015 will be on the upswing.

She has made some real advances lately. An area she has vastly improved upon is reading, which tickles me to no end. When she missed those weeks of school due to pneumonia, she made a concerted effort to read their classroom book The Hobbit and was delighted when she was able to stay ahead of the class.

On the last day of school before Christmas break, she brought home her report card and it was one of her best ever. They are graded on a scale of 1 to 4. A 1 means beginning, 2 means approaching grade level, 3 means proficient/grade-level mastery and a 4 means advanced/exceeds expectations.

“Mom, I got a 4 in reading!”

“Really? For what?”

“I got a 4 in reading com…compru…compre…I don’t know what this says.”

I looked at the report card. “It stays ‘reading comprehension,’ Hadley.”

“Oh. Reading comprehension. What does that mean?”

“It means you understand what you’re reading.”

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