Giant pumpkin growing: the season that never ends

Lest you think pumpkin season is over, I’m here to tell you it’s never over. Last month, Jamie had a holiday party with his buddies from the Rocky Mountain Giant Vegetable Growers Group.

It’s not uncommon to see him sorting through his extensive pumpkin seed collection because he gets year-round seed requests from all over the world.

He recently had some packages from Amazon delivered. I didn’t bother to query about the first but when the second one arrived, I asked:

“What’s in the packages?”
“You should know better than to ask me that this time of year.”
“Oh really? I thought we weren’t getting each other gifts because we’re saving for Maui.”

Busted. He had purchased new grow lights and a seedling heat mat.

Nope, you can’t make this stuff up.

A curious phenomenon regularly occurs in our house: dishes go missing. It took me a while to realize what was going on and it started when my cookie sheets disappeared for a month. I don’t know about you but a month without baking cookies due to missing cookware is equal to grand larceny.

Where were they? I eventually discovered he had been using them to dry out his seeds in the storage room.

A few months ago, I had commented to him:

“I wonder what happened to all of our small dessert plates? We only have one left. Do you think the kids did something with them?”


Then, the other day I discovered this in my kitchen sink: my good dishes had mysteriously returned, covered in dirt.

I didn’t ask, he didn’t tell. Sometimes it’s just better not to know.

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