Planet Alignment Tabulation Part I

We have returned from our Crazy Fun Family Weekend. Well, that was at least the appellation for last year’s trip. This time around, it was more in keeping with my regular fortune: more crazy than fun. But to truly ascertain the outcome of our weekend, I shall do some calculations to determine Planet Pluto’s Performance (P.P.P.) and if the planets truly did align for another perfect weekend.

Selling Out On The Baby Sale

If you’ve ever traveled with me, you know of my biggest pet peeve: to leave late. This means do not do your laundry and do not stop for an oil change and then decide “Hey, why don’t I just get my emissions done while I’m here?” (Ring any bells, DAVE?)

I called Meredith at the boys’ scheduled departure time and learned through a course of events (that could only be attributed to Murphy’s Law associations with yours truly) that her car chose this day of all days to act up. Her Lexus, that is. You know: said to be one of the most reliable vehicles on the road. She informed me that she had to send Andy down to get it checked out at the garage. Oh, and then they would both still have to pack.

I decided to scrap Girl’s Night Out with her and drive up with Jamie and Co. Many would have lamented that they had to miss the Sale of the Century. My requiem was more along the lines of submitting myself to Moodiness of the Millennium. But I knew an early departure would be better for teething Bode. Plus, he’d be better off with his mommy’s sympathies, right?

My sacrifice paid off. He cried the entire drive.

P.P.P.: Nada

Nightmarish Nighttime

My children do not like to sleep. Put them in the same room and guess what: two negatives do not make a positive.

Friday night: Bode cried in 2-minute increments. All Night Long. And doting mother I am, I catered to him for the sole purpose of ensuring the enraged, sleepless lynch mobs from the hotel did not plunder us out of love.

Saturday night: I gave up. Really, I did. When Bode started crying, I could not physically drag myself out of bed. Allowing him to cry woke Haddie and put her into hysterics. It got so bad that I wanted to join the enraged, sleepless lynch mobs from the hotel pack up and leave in the middle of the night. Jamie is the sole reason that our children are still alive today. And that we stayed through morning.

P.P.P: So far, NoSoGood

In my next edition of Planet Alignment Tabulation, we have fun.

Really, we do…. :-)

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