Forget the tie: the kind of subscription that every man wants for Father’s Day

Jamie is obsessed with getting a HDTV. So obsessed that he is the first to run to the get the paper on Sunday (go Jamie, here boy!) to checkout the latest ads.

He recently reconfigured our budget so we could buy one.

“What do you think of this?” he queried, showing me an ad.

“It’s nice but expensive.”

“As part of the deal, Netflix has a special offer of $5 a month.”

“When do we ever have time to watch movies?”

“Oh, this will give us time.”

“How will getting a HDTV make more time for us? Besides, statistics show that people who have a TV in their bedroom have significantly less less sex than those who don’t.” (Gotta hit him where it hurts.)

“But not if we institute NAKED MOVIE NIGHT!”

Gee, why didn’t I think of that?


I somehow survived the big BBQ. Well, except for the lovely hiccups of realizing the huge thermoses I rented from McDonald’s didn’t have a little thing called a spout. Or when the other gal in charge forgot to bring minor things like utensils and napkins. Who needs manners anyway?

Despite the behind-the-scenes chaos, everything went well. We had food, fun, softball, volleyball and races. Oh, did we race. The true capture of the evening was this gem: competition-obsessed Jamie entering Bode in his first three-legged race. (Click picture for full effect.)

They won. :-)

Happy Father’s Day!!!

How you know you’re ready for summer to be over before it has even started

You are going to the bathroom on a particularly sweltering day. While seated on your royal throne, the air-conditioning kicks on and you notice there is a vent directly adjacent that blasts the most glorious cold air on your butt.

And you stay in that bathroom, on that toilet, for at least another 15 minutes.

What NOT to teach your 3-year-old daughter

[Overheard while Jamie corrupted Hadley by watching Chevy Chase's Vacation on television.]

“Daddy, what are they doing?”

“Looking for a place to dispose of the body, Sweetie.”

Wordless Wednesday–Happy Graduation!

I couldn’t resist posting my niece Ashton’s graduation announcement. That same niece who is generally bright, hilarious, spirited and who can kick my sorry butt on a wakeboard any day.

It is not so much that she misspelled my Alma Mater, Lord Beaverbrook, but rather the utter massacre of the word that follows: school. You know–that thing she just spent 12 YEARS ATTENDING.

P.S. I have no intention of being mean-spirited here. Because I’m sure NO ONE has ever had a typo in our entire lives. OUCH! :-)

A Whole Lotta Randomness

What a fantastic weekend we are having! The weather has been superb (translation: not too hot, though 85 degrees did get a little toasty for this Canuck).

We went for walks, played soccer, tackled the playground, raced through sprinklers, trekked a beloved hike at Chatauqua Park and ate at my favorite restaurant for outdoor dining located just adjacent. See those people right on the edge of the balcony? That was us reeling the Hurricane in as she attempted to dive-bomb food to unsuspecting pedestrians. Never a dull moment, I tell ya!


Then there is Bode. The boy is starting to walk and took a record-breaking 18 steps the other day. And after months of wondering if the kid would have to wear false teeth for the rest of his life, #3 and #4 are finally coming in. And oh, how the boy didst teethe.


This is a first for my “Mom Blog” to wax epicureous but we have been eating well lately. Really well. I was getting bored with our standard sustenance so have been experimenting with some healthy dishes. I came across two kick-butt recipes: Grilled Chicken with Tomato Tarragon Sauce (though we used fresh basil instead) and a copycat recipe for P.F. Chang’s famous lettuce wraps.

Would it reflect badly upon me to admit I had tears in my eyes as I didst eat? I still get choked up just thinking about it. Get it? Choked….


I’m throwing another big bash on Saturday complete with a BBQ, softball, volleyball and races for the kids. I figured it would be a brilliant idea to combine with another ward; the more the merrier, right? OK, truth be told, the other ward’s Activity Leader is really on the ball so I figured I would coast through this event and leech off her committee. After all I have been through, am I not deserving?

All was going well until my former go-getter had a nervous breakdown regarding some family issues. This has resulted in her release from that position and a completely clueless replacement.

And so here I stand in the same #$&*#$ boat as before: with very little help and a huge party to throw. But this is much better. Because evidently throwing a party for 300 people is soooooo much more rewarding than a mere 150.

Update: I just had a meeting with Said Clueless Replacement and slyly assigned her the nightmare task of buying all the food and overseeing food distribution. Meanwhile I, The Party Princess, shall manage the entertainment/games. Maybe there are some advantages to working with clueless people. :-)

A Good-bye to a dear, dear friend

Hurricane Hadley is finished with naps. At least she thinks she is. I, however, have a dissenting opinion.

For three long years of riding the roller-coaster of colic, tantrums and general insubordination, naptime has been my only reprieve. Sometimes I passed out and took a nap, too. Sometimes I blogged. Other times I cooked and cleaned. And not to be forgotten is when I just stared at the wall and blubbered away incomprehensibly. Those were the particularly tough days.

Shortly after her 3rd birthday, Hadley’s internal clock informed her she was done. I admit I did not greet the clock’s assertions with happiness. I resisted and we clashed over and over again. My reasoning is if this is a veritable clock, then why doesn’t it tell her to use the potty? That is what I would say if I was a timepiece.

Of course, my resistance is selfish and maybe I should be the kind of mother who thinks, “Oh goody! Another two hours with my daughter!” But I am not. I am perfectly content with the other 12 hours I have with her.

Rather, I view my resistance as survival. Those two hours were my only opportunity to recharge, rejuvenate and reflect upon what a blessing it is to be at home to watch my children blossom.

My husband and I want to have another baby next year and I am apprehensive about having The Hurricane bounce off the walls all day long during that exhausting and sickly first trimester. Oh yeah, and the third trimester won’t be a walk in the park, either. Because I will need a break when this old whale is blubbered and beached.

I know this is just one of “Life’s Passages” I need to accept. But please tell me you’ve been here, you’ve felt this and know my pain.

And to all those well-intentioned women who have advised me that I can just implement “Quiet Time?”

What in heaven’s name is that? There is a reason she is called The Hurricane….

A Mommy Blogger’s Cerebral Edema on the Brain

Jamie and I are currently training to climb Colorado’s highest mountain, the second highest in the lower 48.

We began a few nights ago, which included this paltry (and frightening) attempt at looking tough as we hauled both kids on a hike. My apologies to Bode for completely cutting him out of the picture; I would hate to diminish his critical role of welp, weighing me down. I just had to include this particular shot because Haddie made me chortle. Loudly.

Why would we want to train for such a thing?

a) We are m@sochists

b) I want to confirm the “Crazy” in “Canuck”

c) We think summiting this will be fun
d) All of the above

e) a and b above

And the answer would be ‘e.’ So why do it if we don’t think it will be fun?

Well, why do we choose to endure nine months of hell and multiple hours of labor? For the views and rewards in the end, of course! Unless, that is, you’re puking your guts out at the summit.

Colorado has 54 mountains over 14,000 feet high. Someone, somewhere decided it would be cool to start a demented little club to challenge folks to climb them. Jamie and I are members of Said Club of Dementia. Because even though I love hiking, I do not love climbing 14ers. My smile at this 14,267-foot summit?

It is fake. We then went on to summit another 14er that same day. There are no photos atop that second mountain for a reason.

We hope the snow will be melted enough to make our latest attempt at the end of June. So why the rigorous training schedule we have implemented?

a) Two words: deathbed repentance.

b) The only exercise Jamie gets these days is yard work.

c) It ticks me off that even though I workout daily, he still blows me away. At least if he is in shape, I will have an excuse for the butt whipping….

d) All of the above

And the answer, of course, would be ‘d’….

Wordless Wednesday

We recently went to visit my husband in his brand spankin’ new office and I really don’t know what to think about my findings.

Honored: He would display our engagement photo on his desk.
Offended: The picture is used as background for his bobbleheads. And a psychotic alien candle.

Picnic Predicaments

I still don’t know who to blame. Was it Vonage? Comcast? Regardless, our Internet and phone lines were down for EIGHT hours today. In the interim, I cleaned the house, prepped for dinner guests, went for a run, organized the eyesore-that-is-our-den, and washed, folded and put away five loads of laundry.

I am still recovering from the trauma of such productivity.


I don’t know why this irked me but it did. I took the kids for a run along a great trail with loads of verdant foliage and a swollen river. Part of their reward for being good in the stroller is to stop at the playground and have a grand ol’ time throwing rocks in the water.

We were alone when we arrived. I opted against setting up our picnic on one of the many surrounding benches and went for the table adjacent to the playground. I then set the kids loose.

Within a few minutes, a mom came with her two kids. I heard her loudly debate where they were going to eat and I waited for her to choose one of the benches. She didn’t. She headed straight towards where I had setup camp and plopped her troops down.

Now, I would not have minded sharing the table if she had just asked and hadn’t treated all our stuff with such disregard. But she didn’t. I wasn’t sure how to react. I really didn’t want to share space with her unruly clan so nonchalantly moved my stuff over to one of the benches. She said nothing.

I thought of a thousand things I could have said but none of them would have come out just right. But then I remembered the fine example of my dad’s former boss, Shawn.

A bit of background: my dad worked as an oil and gas engineer for Chevron for 30 years before moving over to a local Indian reservation for another 10. Shawn was an interesting character who fit many stereotypes but also had a free spirit, sense of entitlement and humor. We all adored him for his humor.

One day, Shawn was picnicking with his family at a public pavilion in Calgary. Time passed and an Asian family arrived. The father informed Shawn they had reserved the pavilion for his daughter’s party and kindly asked if they would leave.

Shawn refused.

They went back and forth arguing the issue until Shawn unveiled the clincher: “MY PEOPLE WERE HERE BEFORE YOUR PEOPLE!!!”

They let him stay.

Detachment Parenting

Our community had a big ol‘ garage sale on Saturday. Jamie and I stopped at a house a few blocks away and struck up a casual conversation with the home owners. It took only a few seconds for me to realize I was talking to The Urban Legend of our neighborhood. Err…or I guess that would be Suburban Legend.

Rumors have circulated for a few years that this woman sent her child off to college and decided whilst in her 40s to start from scratch and get pregnant…20 years after the first. And she was rewarded with not one but twin girls Hadley’s exact same age.

Well, I was ecstatic to meet The Legend! We immediately hit it off and talked of future playdates. Jamie asked if she was sending them to our local elementary school and she responded affirmatively. I then asked if they were going to preschool.

“Yes, they’re going to ________.”

“Oh great! That is where Hadley is going in the fall!”

“Well, admittedly I am pretty reluctant to send them. I just don’t think I can bear to be without them. You know what I’m talking about?”

I thought of my “How Many Days Until Hadley is in Preschool Countdown Chart.” And my mental spreadsheet detailing what Bode and I will do with six tranquil hours every single week without the Hurricane.

“Yes, I know exactly what you mean.”

Later in the car, I relayed our conversation to Jamie. Dubiously, he looked at me and eloquently assessed the situation:

“Those are not our kind of people, Amber.”

Hear, hear.
