Mom Bloggers Unite: A New Kind of Recipe Swap

I tried this recipe from Bon Appétit for dinner last night:

Roasted Curried Cauliflower

12 cups cauliflower florets (from about 4 pounds cauliflower)
1 large onion, peeled, quartered
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
3/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
3 1/2 teaspoons curry powder
1 tablespoon Hungarian hot paprika
1 3/4 teaspoons salt
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro

Preparation: Preheat oven to 450°F. Place cauliflower florets in large roasting pan. Pull apart onion quarters into separate layers; add to cauliflower. Stir coriander seeds and cumin seeds in small skillet over medium heat until slightly darkened, about 5 minutes. Crush coarsely in mortar with pestle. Place seeds in medium bowl. Whisk in oil, vinegar, curry powder, paprika, and salt. Pour dressing over vegetables; toss to coat. Spread vegetables in single layer. Sprinkle with pepper.

Roast vegetables until tender, stirring occasionally, about 35 minutes. (Can be made 2 hours ahead. Let stand at room temperature. Rewarm in 450°F oven 10 minutes, if desired.)
Mound vegetables in large bowl. Sprinkle with fresh cilantro. Serve warm or at room temperature.

P.S. Do not ever try this recipe. It sucks.

So let’s hear it: your favorite recipe swap flop!

Proof There Will be No Rest for the Weary, Even Beyond the Grave

Last weekend, we took the kids to Olde Town for a fun-filled evening at a live jazz cafe and strolled around with ice cream cones afterwards. It was one of those times when everything just felt right.

And so it would seem perfectly natural to bring up the subject of…err…death?

The catalyst for our conversation occured on the way home after we drove past our city’s cemetery.

“Have you ever been in there, Jamie?”

“No, I don’t know anyone who is buried there.”

“Where should we be buried someday?”

“I don’t really care. So long as it is under a tree.”

“You do realize that is prime real estate, don’t you?”

“Just stick me in a box under a tree in the mountains. I’m not picky.”

“Nice to know.”

“We could be double stacked.”

“I’d be honored.”

“But I want you on top.”

In Training for the 2014 Olympics; Actual Event Yet To Be Determined

I think every parent secretly has aspirations of athletic, musical or academic grandeur for their children. Even little achievements such as that first face plant step are met with pride as we vicariously live through them.

The Hurricane has been enrolled in gymnastics this summer and had her first big meet on Saturday. We made a big deal about it and invited The Grandparents who came to our house afterwards for a celebratory brunch.

During warm-up, another little girl showed up wearing Hadley’s exact same leotard. To make light of the situation, I pointed her out to Hadley and commented,”Oh, how fun. You match!”

Instead of delight, they regarded one another with disdain and walked past dismissively. Evidently cattiness starts at a young age. Like, how embarrassing.

Overall, Hadley performed like a champ, expertly navigating the balance beam, flipping on the bars and doing back somersaults on her floor routine. All was going well until the springboard. The kids were supposed to do “The Tigger” bounce through some hula hoops and then launch off the springboard onto a mat. Note: I said supposed to.

Now, to preface this scenario, I need to explain that Hadley has the DNA to jump. Believe it or not, she gets it from me (thought Jamie adamantly disputes this claim). Back in The Day, these short little legs of mine were long jumpers. I would train for hours on our trampoline and I even placed second in the long jump at Calgary’s city finals. Only Claudette Creary, a brawny black girl, could out-jump me. And out-run me. And out-everything me. I wonder if her photo is still on my dartboard back home.

Evidently, I am nothing if not a gracious loser.

So, back to the Hurricane. After breezing through her Tigger bounces, she bolted for the springboard. The problem is, the dear girl did not realize you are supposed to launch off it and not over it.

What followed was not pretty. The dear girl’s takeoff step was about a foot in front of the springboard as she then tried to clear it. For a moment, I swelled with pride as a marveled at my little Hurricane in flight.

But then came the landing.

Suffice it to say, it did not end well for dear little Hadley. Either time.

Maybe we’ll just stick to track-and-field in the future….

Let’s Make Lots of Money

We have enjoyed a glorious week of playgrounds, ponds, picnics and potty training. All right, so maybe the latter activity is significantly less than glorious and my patience is beginning to wear thin is positively anorexic.

Yesterday, I set the children loose at a fountain park. Or rather, I set the Hurricane loose.

Ever-cautious Bode analyzed these shooting streams of chlorine and calculated the associated risks. After a half hour, he hesitatingly made his approach, only to scurry back to me each time.

His downfall was not the actual fountain but rather, the brief interlude when it stopped spewing. If the kid had any sense about him, he would know that Old Faithful is just that: faithful. And those cool bubbles that formed in the interim turned very quickly into an onslaught of water.

That is where good parenting comes in.

Or at least, it should. Unless you’re out for a laugh.

It did not end well for little Bode.

While I was taking pictures of our outing, I was reminded of a hot topic at BlogHer regarding the monetization of blogs. This was highly controversial among the Mommy Bloggers in particular because critics say by having ads we are just using our children to make a buck.

And so in the light of exploitation, I am proud to announce Bode’s future with a certain sporting goods company:

And Hadley? Surely there must be some money in the en*ema market….