How You Know You’re Raising a Geek Part 1,204

I’m going to start a series on How You Know You’re Raising a Geek. This is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s quite delightful and never boring because Bode’s mind is always working, thinking, evaluating and analyzing. I find it fascinating because I just don’t work like that. I can look up at the pink clouds and think, “Wow, they sure are pretty today and look like cotton candy” and he’ll make some comment that clouds turn pink because sunlight travels at a greater distance through the atmosphere at dusk. Ummm, OK, kid.

One of his favorite things is quizzing me about everything and everything, particularly his space books.

“Mom, how many dwarf planets are there?”

“I don’t know.”

“Mom, we’ve been over this before.”

The kid is learning that my long-term memory is about 20 seconds before it is deleted from my internal hard drive forever. I fear the day he discovers Trivial Pursuit.

He got the book Time for Kids Top 5 of Everything, which is perfect for a human kid computer with trivia quizzes on everything from the five youngest Presidents to the most popular names for dogs. As he was reading the book, he announced “They got it wrong.”

“Got what wrong?”

“The moons on Jupiter. They say they are 53 but there are actually 63.”

“Bode, I think they thoroughly researched it and you’re mistaken.”

But he was insistent so I Googled it and sure enough, there are 63 moons on Jupiter. Take THAT, Time magazine!

And then a recent incident. He was asking me how many minutes are in a day and then how many seconds (thank goodness for calculators) but then as we were walking to the bus, he asked if we could go to the library so he could check out some books on recycling and maps.

That kid of mine is ‪#‎7GoingOn70‬.

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