The Gully

One of my fondest memories of growing up in Calgary is sledding The Gully across the street from my house. Of all the destinations I’ve visited, I’ve never found a valley that remotely compares to (in Jamie’s words): “that snow hill of death.”

Note: This is the same man who, when we visited a few years ago, brazenly said before launching off a jump, “I have a few days left on my health insurance so I may as well do this now.”

Basically, The Gully renders your senses obsolete.

It snowed two days before we arrived in Calgary and that was the only time it snowed during our entire trip. Shortly after we arrived, the kids and I headed to The Gully, bringing back a flood of my childhood memories.

From the trek.
To scoping out this blissful bowl.

To playtime.
Where I took one of my favorite new pictures of Bode.
Because those cheeks are so darn squeezable.

Quite predictably, Adventure Girl fearlessly careened down the hill while Bode took a more cautious, responsible approach. At one point, she started tearing down the hill, right in the path of Bode and me.

We threw ourselves out of the way and Bode unleashed a furious rant.


At least someone in this family is the voice of reason on The Snow Hill of Death.

Walking in a (kind of) winter wonderland

I love winter in Canada but the weather was unseasonably mild so we were unable to go skating on the lakes or cross-country ski on the golf course. Plus, the fire destroyed all of Dad’s recreational equipment.

Kinda an important piece of the puzzle.

And so we took the dogs for a walk every day. Sometimes it was just around the neighborhood, other times it was an adventure. Like the Southland Off-leash Park where we crossed the Bow River and trekked to Carburn Park. That walk’s excitement: we spotted coyotes just a stone’s throw away.
Though after scoping out the woosy meat selection, they deemed the dogs unworthy to attack.

Bode’s threatening howl helped, too.

Our secret entrance off Deerfoot Trail to this overlook of the Bow is always fun.

But hands down, our favorite trek this year was when Jamie joined us to explore Bow River Valley Ranch. The frozen falls on the river were sooooo cool.
Especially compared to how it looked last summer.


This time around, thrill-seeking Shanty wanted to drag Bode down to the Bow River but he resisted.
I couldn’t really blame the kid. Remember when I talked about those mild temperatures? That means the Bow River is the very definition of THIN ICE.

But we walked on it anyway.

Confirmation that Canucks really do know how to walk on water.

A Memorable Canadian Christmas

After my parent’s house fire, we changed our holiday plans to go to Utah and instead headed north of the border. It’s been a few years since I came to Calgary for Christmas and it’s admittedly my favorite place to be. The reasons are innumerable that include my zany and fun family but it comes down to just one thing: it’s home.

And really, you just can’t compete with that.

One night, my dad and I took the kids to the Calgary Nativity Pageant. Our church has put on this production for 46 years and it’s one of my favorite traditions. It has evolved into an impressive production with a professional set, killer sound system and live animals. One thing that has never changed is the venue: it’s always been held outdoors at Heritage Park.

Because didn’t you know: Bethlehem totally had sub-zero temperatures, too?

But Christmas Eve is hands down my favorite party ever. My brother Pat and sister-in-law host every year and have a huge spread of appetizers, desserts and candy.
We always start the festivities with playing the pipe bells that my Grandpa Wilde cut years ago. I also took the bells to Bode’s kindergarten class and Haddie’s second graders for their Christmas parties.
My family was only moderately better than them.

And that is after years of practice.

Then it’s onto the left-right game….
…wherein it is revealed we can’t decipher our left from our right.

But the climax of the evening is the gift exchange. To let you know just how seriously we take this game, my family often shops months in advance for just the right gifts to battle it out over. Some of the winners included a magic show (that has turned Hadley into an amateur magician), light sabers for Bode, and bacon candy canes that were unceremoniously ripped out of my possession.
But the real humdinger of the night was when my brother Pat, on the last trade of the evening, got stuck with the Santa toilet paper and pink, vibrating slippers.

Every year, Jane buys everyone matching PJs but this year, my niece Emily made them for most everyone for her final Personal Progress project for church.

Except for the late-comers like us who decided we were coming just a few days before Christmas. Regardless, Jane made sure we were still adequately outfitted.
As for Christmas day, I can’t believe I didn’t take any pictures! The kids had already opened most of their gifts in Denver so it was nice to not be so focused on the material side of the holidays.

Though they were certainly not lacking with a bike for Bode, a desk for Haddie, movies, Wii games, craft supplies, clothes, and movies. Probably the favorite present was from my mom who saved me from a parenting fail. My kids have always loved stuffed animals and I have never taken them to Build-a-Bear.

I know, Bad Mom.

But who can blame me after seeing those prices? For two animals and two outfits, my mom paid $90. “Birthday Cake” bear is Haddie’s newest treasure and Bode fell in love with another “Tabby.”

Those were sure swell selections but I was remiss when they turned me down for my bear de choix: A Canadian Bear in a Mountie Costume.

Serves me right for birthing Americans.

Declutter resolution?

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to declutter?

If so, you definitely need to check out this calendar that gives tips for decluttering your life, one easy day at a time.

P.S. And no, that’s not a picture in my house. But I sure wish it was!

New Year’s Resolution Failure

2011 was a rough year medically for Jamie. If it wasn’t his heart problems, he had a constant barrage of rheumatism attacks, resulting in many sleepless and painful nights.

Between his unrelenting work schedule, bad health and The Great Pumpkin, I felt like a single mom for much of last year. Sunday (New Year’s Day), he went home from church early due to stomach pains. When the kids and I returned home and I saw him doubled over on the couch, I sympathetically proposed a solution.

“I’ll tell you what, Jamie. How about for 2012 you make the resolution to STOP BEING SICK?”

Pause…before I continued.

“Oh wait. It’s January 1 and you’ve already broken that resolution.”

Here’s for hoping (and praying) for a better year for him.

Happy New Year’s interviews!

Blogging is a great way to record our family’s history but one thing I don’t do a great job of is making videos.

So, when I stumbled upon this mom who does annual New Year’s Day interviews with her kids, I thought there’s no better way to start. She had a great list of questions to help commemorate the year and also your child’s likes/dislikes in a cute format.

Some of her suggested questions:

1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your mom’s name?
4. What does your mom do during the day?
5. What is your dad’s name?
6. What does your dad do during the day?
7. What is your favorite color?
8. What is your favorite thing to eat? (what don’t you like to eat?)
9. Who are your friends?
10. What is your favorite song? Can you sing it for me?
11. What is your sister’s name? (this is fun because they don’t always say the name correctly)
12. What is your favorite place to go?
13. What is your favorite thing to do?
14. What do you like about your Mommy? (Daddy, sister, etc.)
15. What do you want to be when you grow up?
16. What is your favorite book?
17. What does (sister/brother) like to do?
18. What are you most excited for in 2012?

I don’t expect any of you to sit through my kids’ interviews (about 4 minutes each) because, let’s face it–stuff like this is for the grandparents (though hearing Bode’s sound business plan for his future vocation and Haddie singing an unintentionally abridged version of Silent Night may be worth it).

I encourage you to think of a fun way to mark the beginning of 2012.

Bode interview

Hadley Video



And yes, I know I jumped ahead to New Year’s without even detailing Christmas but my head is still reeling from our 22-hour drive back from Canada, the pile of laundry and the Christmas decorations that need to get taken down.

No complaints from me, though. I’m just happy to be home after a decidedly hellish drive back where they closed the freeway, I thought I was going to die during Jamie’s suicidal detour and we almost spent New Year’s Eve holed up in a seedy Wyoming hotel (details later). We miraculously made it back to Denver and celebrated with KFC and Martinelli’s at midnight.

OK, so maybe it was only 8:15 p.m. and we watched a YouTube video of the ball dropping on Times Square from 2011.

Not that the kids noticed anyway. When we poured Bode his drink, he proclaimed, “I’m going to drink dis…and den I’m gonna get craaaaazy!”

Apparently 2012 will involve a Martinelli’s intervention for Bode.

As for me, it is our tradition to go out for Chinese food in Canada and my fortune cookie read:

You will soon be confronted with unlimited opportunities.

After the tough year we’ve had, I’m looking forward to it.

Happy New Year!