Our Glorious Weekend Plans

We’re kinda busy.

Would You Trust These Children?

Are they:

a) Currently under house arrest for defacing an entire Thomas the Trainset with blue marker.
b) Passport pictures wherein they look like the Taliban.
c) Totally busted for stepping on and/or consuming yard-obsessed Jamie’s plants.
d) All of the above

If you guessed “d” you must have a few delinquents of your own.

Last week, a Farewatcher Alert appeared in my inbox with a crazy-cheap deal for flights to Mexico. Jamie and I had planned to take the kids to Orlando in August but after doing some figuring, determined it would be less expensive to go to a foreign country than to vacation in our own. Go figure.

The 24 hours that followed were frenzied, primarily due to the need for the kids to now have passports for travel to Mexico and Canada. Surprisingly enough, they were champs whilst getting their photos taken. Much better than I, who was reprimanded for not standing still enough and for looking “too chipper.” Forgive me for not perfecting my Taliban glare.

Hadley cannot stop talking about the beach and has been practicing her Spanish, muchos gracias to that bilingual Dora the Explorer. Our conversations are repeatedly interwoven with “hola madre,” “amigos,” and “vaminose, let’s go!” She even shows off with some made-up Spanish words because she knows her north-of-the-border mother doesn’t know what the crap she’s talking about.

In order to afford our getaway we had to relinquish some local trips this summer, including a trek out to Utah for Jamie’s grandpa’s 90th birthday. I am surprised by just how much discord this has caused Jamie’s sweet mother. She can’t figure out why on earth we would we chose a trip to the sun-kissed beaches of Mexico vs. making polite conversation with relatives we’ve never met in the desert?


Truth be told, I was sad to miss this trip. I still have many friends in Utah and had planned to trail run walk OK, crawl many of my old haunts. On the other hand, I cannot wait to watch Haddie bodysurf for the first time and witness Bode ingest a quart of sand. Every hour. Call me crazy but it just sounds better than the humiliation of watching Jamie fumble around trying to remember his 243 cousins’ names. Talk about embaracada.

Oh wait. I think that means “knocked up” and not “embarrassing.”

But if I were a true Dora devotee, I would have already known that.

Travel writer travelin’ tip: Jamie came upon this gem when we booked our recent cruise: SkyAuction.com. It is an online eBay-esque site where they auction off travel for CHEAP. We saved several hundred dollars on our cruise and this time around, got an all-inclusive hotel for half the price. My only payment for this little plug is that you take me with you. So I guess that doesn’t mean savings in the end but think of what a delightful addition I will be to your romantic getaway.

Wordless Wednesday

Famous Mug Shots


The Hurricane


Details of these little delinquents in my next post.

In the running for ‘Dad of the Year?’

Is anybody else’s husband lawn-obsessed?

Hunky Hubby is in serious need of attending L.A. (Landscaper’s Anonymous) for the hours he pours into researching plants and flowers. In my opinion, having to put in your own yard is one of the major drawbacks of building a home. That and the mortgage that follows.

Granted, I may be a small part of the problem due to a little deadline I gave him to build a retaining wall, fill in our ditch, cover it with rubberized mulch and then build Haddie’s playset on top of it. All by next Friday for Hadley’s birthday. Really, that isn’t too much too much to ask, is it? After all, Rome was built in a day (my blog, my interpretation).

I should have seen the early signs of his mania. Even when the snow was still flying, he was already obsessing. Case in point: the kids and I were playing outside in the snow waiting for him to come home. When he arrived, I went to finish dinner and asked him to help the kids remove their clothes. Sure, no problem.

Until he saw The Package. The package that contained the first seedlings of the season. He voraciously tore into it.

A few minutes later, the abandoned abominable snowchildren started protesting.

“Umm Jamie, did you leave the poor kids by the front door? They really need help getting their snowpants and boots off!”

“Yes. But my package. Came!” (The man is rendered unable to complete a full sentence during his trances.)

“Honey, they haven’t seen you all day.”

“Yes, but I haven’t seen this package…ever.”

Photo: Jamie shortly after we moved in with his leftover pile of crap compost.

Happy Mother’s Day!

My recent trip to Moab had me thinking a lot about my former life. You know, back when I went to the bathroom by myself, climbed mountains without hauling an extra passenger and when I chose sleep deprivation because I could. Translation: before Motherhood.

And what I came up with is that despite our daily drama that life is really, really great right now. I hesitate to say that because through this admission, I’m afraid the bottom will fall out. But I just feel really blessed for our happy home.

Jamie is a doting, hilarious and hard-working husband.

Haddie is a spitfire who, despite her fierce independent streak, is a joy to be around. Most of the time.

And I cannot get enough of Bode who is crawling, exploring and absolutely delighted for every discovery he makes. Particularly when he attempts to ingest those things you and I call “choking hazards.”

For Mother’s Day this year, my little family went all out.

Bode: Slept through the night and made his mama proud when his “cutest baby” face was sent to a 1/4 million newspaper subscribers. Who cares that his daddy is the boss? Nepotism had absolutely nothing to do with it. Really.

Hadley: Promised to be nice the entire day and generously offered to let me watch the special “Mother’s Day Mini-Marathon” Dora the Explorer with her. Gee, how did she know?

Hunky Hubby: Marathon snuggles, a thoughtful present and breakfast in bed. Admittedly, the latter present came about with a wee bit of coaxing.

“Jamie, I splurged at the store today and bought myself some fantastic blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.”

“Errr…are you giving me your menu for tomorrow?”


At least the man takes a hint.

Happy Mother’s Day!

A Man Named Craig

It’s confession time: a few weeks ago there was another man in my life named Craig. And he has lists. Lots of them. Hence his name: Craig’s List. Craig and I became so intimately acquainted that my dear sweet hubby finally had to intervene.

Let me explain. I had the same affair with Craig last year when I was searching for a used swingset for Hadley. I finally found one after weeks of F5ing (for those unaware, this sordid term is in reference to refreshing my computer over and over again). You see, Craig has other lovers. Highly competitive lovers who pounce on any listing within moments. And upon finally winning his affections, I was perfectly happy with our offspring.

Until recently. You see, the Hurricane has what I call a climbing problem. She scales everything in her wake, no matter how precipitous or dangerous. Whenever we hike, she is the kid shimmying up the rock faces. And our old metal swingset has become a veritable climbing gym wherein she kills herself almost daily. She needs an outlet. Like a climbing wall.

Knowing the price of those sleek wooden playsets, there I was again: prostituting myself to Craig. It started out innocently as it always does. Logging on here and there. But then it grew to where I could not even pass my laptop without F5ing multiple times a day, skank that I am. In my defense, it’s not called obsession.

It’s called mental illness.

That is when Hunky Hubby staged an intervention. I could hear him furiously working on the computer upstairs before I received The Summons. Wearily, I dragged myself in there only to be shocked/thrilled/astounded with what he presented me: a reconfigured budget wherein we would buy the kids a spankin’ new swingset if I promised to end it with Craig forever.

And of course, there was another catch: I will have to make a good number of sacrifices to compensate for this rather daunting expense. And make my own monetary contributions to the cause.

So just look for this sassy mama coming to a street corner near you…

Addendum: I thought my playset stresses would end after Craig. I was wrong. Turns out EVERY SINGLE QUALITY PLAYSET is back-ordered for months in Denver. I’ll spare you the gory details but after hours on the phone harassing corporate executives and not taking “no” for an answer, we’re the proud owners of our very own playset.

Aren’t those boxes the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen? Sniff. And yep, they are sitting on the crate of our old-fashioned soda fountain that, after a year and a half, is still waiting to be assembled. Hopefully Haddie will have her playset by her fifth birthday….

Wordless Wednesday–The Showdown

It has been 10 days since our return from Moab and our “Everybody Loves Raymond-esque” showdown has begun (see comments for further explanation).

After seven days, Jamie finally brought in the cooler from his car. Any guesses for how many more it will take to remove the rotting food? :-)
P.S. Click here for his rebuttal.

Wordless Wednesday

Groucho and Marilyn Do Murder

On Friday, we attended a murder mystery dinner. Jamie was the perfect Groucho Marx and I was none other than the illustrious Marilyn Monroe. This is the second time in three months I have played a skank. On our cruise, we did a murder mystery and I was the loose woman who had an affair with the ship’s captain. Coincidence or typecast? Hmmm….

Our friends, Eva and Jon, went all out for the occasion. I mean, it’s not everyday you have John Wayne, Ginger Rogers, Fred Astaire, Joni Mitchell, Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, Patsy Kline and Judy Garland at your place. We were greeted with a red carpet, showered with gifts and indulged in delicious food. Oh, and did I mention there was a murder?

As “perfect” as everyone thought I was for the role, I was no Marilyn. I’ve never watched any of her movies nor had a fan blowing up my skirt for more than 10 seconds at at time. But I put forth a good effort and even straightened my hair for the occasion. Too bad I had an allergic reaction to my hairspray. This, after spending the entirety of the 80s with the mother of all hair-sprayed bangs.

Even worse was that when prepping me on her voice, my little Groucho made a better Marilyn than I.

I had a grand time acting out the murder. How could I not with lines like “I’m sooooo sick of being a sex symbol and my hour-glass shape.”

Coincidentally, I said the same thing just last week.

Or the very revealing scripted conversation with none other than Groucho (because who could resist that profile?): “Such lovely men at the party like you, Groucho. You’re a kook but such a kind kook. Let’s go find a room somewhere and I’ll show you why blondes are soooo special….Sorry baby, but some gals have a seven-year itch, mine’s more of a seven-minute itch.”

Jamie wishes I said the same thing just last week.

In the end, none of us solved the mystery. Part of it was the script wasn’t very well written (minus my memorable lines), the other part was we’re s-t-u-p-i-d. On our invitations, we were given clothing suggestions. Everyone except for Jimi Hendrix who was required to bring a guitar and wear a large ring. Coincidentally, these were also the murder weapons. Don’t look for us on C.S.I. anytime soon.


When not making our pathetic attempts to solve the murder, there were also memorable dinner conversations. Ginger proudly announced that her daughter won student of the month and her son received early admission into high school algebra.

As we all himed and hawed in admiration, good ol’ Groucho made an announcement of his own:

“Hadley had diarrhea last week and then rubbed her butt all over the wall.”

I could not have been more proud….

Murder Mystery Mom Blog

Queen of the Castle

I love cuddling up to a good book but these days all reading seems to be dedicated unto Dr. Seuss. So I had to chuckle when Lynn Bowen Walker contacted me of all people to review her book Queen of the Castle.

Until I noted the subtitle: 52 Week of Homemaking Encouragement for the Uninspired, Domestically Challenged and Just Plain Tired. Now that is something with personal application, especially when it has a chapter heading Housework, Done Correctly, Can Kill You.

And just when have I found the time to be inspired reading her book, you may ask? On this queen’s porcelain throne. I’m sure Lynn would be thrilled to know I garner inspiration during potty time but hey, whatever works.

The book is broken down into weekly vignettes consisting of humorous tips, stories, recipes and the all-important Chocolate Breaks. Oh, and not to be forgotten are her enlightening vocabulary words such as TORPID–Deprived of the power of motion; dormant. As in “Kids, let’s not spend our entire summer like torpid blobs in front of the TV set.”


But what I’ve really enjoyed are the inspirational quotes. In honor of Mother’s Day, I thought this address Barbara Bush gave at a Wellesley College commencement when she was First Lady was absolutely perfect:

“For several years, you’ve had impressed upon you the importance to your career of dedication and hard work. This is true, but as important as your obligations as a doctor, lawyer, or business leader will be, you are a human being first, and those human connections–with spouses, with children, with friends–are the most important investments you will ever make.

“At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent…

“One thing will never change: fathers and mothers, if you have children…they must come first.
Your success as a family…our success as a society…depends not on when happens at the White House, but on what happens inside your house.”

Along the same inspirational lines, a closing vocabulary word: CALLIPYGIAN–Having beautifully proportioned buttocks. As in “Honey, does this bathing suit make me look callipygian?”

Sure beats looking fat….

Getting Back to Nature Part II

I’ve been MIA lately due to my glorious cough-’til-you-puke condition and finally broke down and went to the doc. Sure enough, I have bronchitis and he sent me home with some wonnnnnderful drugs that make the kids sleep through the night. Or rather, make me sleep through the night. Same result in the end. :-)

But onto Getting Back to Nature

Following my little episode of Parents Gone Wild, Jamie and I scaled up the crimson cliffs that cowered over our grotto and passed out on a slab of sandstone. This was one of my favorite moments on our trip: lazing around together, snuggling and intertwined, just listening to silence.

We watched the colors of the sky shift, like pigment seeping into paper. Blackish blue to midnight blue to dark blue to ebony. We talked of all things meaningful and spiritual. The setting was almost womblike in its reverence as we watched constellations and satellites magically appear.

We then went back to the tent where I puked. Over and over again.

Fortunately, I spared the innards of our habitation and left my mark just outside the door. It was a cacophony of hacking and convulsions. Between each of them, Jamie complained: “You get sick on every trip.”

Cough. Bleh.
“Costa Rica.”
Cough. Bleh.
Cough. Bleh.
Cough cough. Bleh.
“Our cruise.”
Bleh bleh bleh.

He really could have worked on his timing. You know, for sympathy points.

Fortunately our trip was so much more than just my violent coughing bouts. We also spent many hours slithering through Devil’s Kitchen’s countless labyrinths, hanging out in Moab for an antique car show and indulging ourselves on our final night at a gorgeous adventure lodge with a private patio that backed out to the Colorado River.

One of my favorite stops after backpacking in Canyonlands is at the Needles Outpost. This little general store has some eccentric wares, along with hilarious grey-haired proprietors who have lived at this veritable hippie mecca for ages. It’s the kind of place I would not be one bit surprised if they grew certain contraband plants out back nor if they smoked them a minimum of well, daily.

My latest experience did not disappoint. As I was paying, the woman looked down at my flip flops.

“I looooove those!” she exclaimed.

“Oh, thanks. They’re actually Crocs.”

“Reallllllly. I so hate their other shoes. They’re sooooo ugly. But those are coooooool.”

“I agree. These are really comfortable, too.”

She gazed at me in awe, zipped around the counter, bent down to analyze them and reverently queried, “Can I touch them?”

The mere scent alone would have warded most people off. But this gal looked like she hadn’t showered in a month so I brazenly said, “Sure!” and proudly displayed my repugnant feet. She ooed and awed over my footwear.

I almost asked if she wanted my autograph but stopped myself. Just in case she would have actually taken me up on it….


A closing thought for all those tree huggers out there: Nothing says “Getting Back to Nature” like this lovely eyesore. I’m glad they included the arrow. Just in case you somehow missed it, of course.