Musings of a Mommy Blogger

Am I the only one out there who is dragging when it comes to blogging? I swear, getting even a few posts up the last few weeks has taken effort.

Or maybe because I want to internalize all my daily profundities such as how Fruity Cheerios blow up to look suspiciously like Fruit Loops when doused with water. Mind-blowing, I know.

One of the things that has cracked me up about this blog is I started it to keep in contact with friends and family and yet I feel more isolated from them than ever. Meaning: they read it but 99% of them refuse to admit to it or ever comment. And they don’t feel the need to email because HELLO, they read my blog that day so already know what is going on in my life. Voila, my empty inbox.

Oh, and maybe it’s also because I haven’t been too great with returning emails these days.

I started blogging a few years ago before it was really en vogue and I didn’t understand the community aspect of it. My initial blog was over at MSN and I remember when the first “stranger” left a comment. I was completely taken aback and promptly deleted it, equating them as a stalker.

Little did I know blogging is legalized stalking. And I have truly loved the community I am now a part of. But I have to admit I have been frequently tempted to turn my blog private and only admit entrance to those who are an active part of it.

And especially now that so much of time and attention has been turned to growing Colorado’s mommy blogger community at Mile High Mamas, I’m just trying to figure out my little Crazy Bloggin’ Canuck’s place in this big, bad blogging world.

Has anyone ever had any of the same thoughts? Have you been frustrated by the number of visitors who don’t give any feedback? Has the direction and purpose of your blog changed since you first started it? I guess what I am saying is I am going through a blogging mid-life crisis and need to be talked off the ledge. :-)

Lord of the Gourds

It’s been quite the week here at Casa Canuck. I have been suffering from allergies and battling off a sinus infection for quite some time. I finally succumbed on Friday. Remember all of you who said you’d like to spend your Mental Health Day in bed reading a book? That is exactly what I proceeded to do for the next few days as I starting rereading that crack-cocaine Twilight series. So, it was Edward, me and more snot that should ever be humanly possible.

He’s just lucky to be a vampire.

And in love with that hussy Bella.

I am slowly on the mend but as my world turns, Bode has developed the sniffles. I am just waiting for Hadley and Jamie to succumb as well.

Evidently, my personality is not the only thing that is infectious.

In other news, Jamie’s pumpkin’s growth is slooooowing down. Of course, the orange beast is more than 600 lbs so don’t feel too badly for him. The glorious 70-degree temperatures have been wreaking havoc on its 30-lbs-a-day growth. His mistress allegedly grows best in lower 90s, one of the many things she and I disagree about.

Even though the growth is slowing down, Jamie’s obsession is not. A couple of weeks ago, we received a new video from PBS “Lord of the Gourds” (yes, you read correctly). And then, a few days later, the “best-selling” book How to Grow World Class Giant Pumpkins arrived on our doorstep.

I was shocked to discover the book is in its third edition. Which means more than two people read the previous editions.

In the book, there are some pretty funny pictures of those involved in the pumpkin craze. But none was more disturbing than the guy whose license plate read “PUMPKIN.”

“Jamie, please tell me you’re not going to get a personalized license plate that says that.”

“No, that would be ridiculous.”

“Whew! At least you are somewhat reasonable.”

“I just plan to paint my new car orange.”

The one and only time I’ll get political…without actually getting political

I have already established that I am NOT a political blogger. But there is a debate raging in the media that I feel we need to address: namely the nomination of Sarah Palin as Vice President.

Sure, there have been legitimate questions about her lack of experience. But really, if I wanted to go there (which I don’t), Barak Obama is running for President of the United States and his experience pales in comparison to McCain’s.

Let’s face it — the one with the most experience does not always win. I am also a firm believer that the people who make the most impact on the world are often those who don’t make the most sense on paper.

The real heart of this debate (and where I want your honest opinion) is can a mom of five with a son being deployed to Iraq, a pregnant teen-aged daughter and a special needs baby be up for the task? There. I said it.

I was not sure what rubbed me the wrong way about Sarah Palin’s nomination. Sure, I felt pandered to but a brave post written by Angela at Segullah blog really nailed it:

…If Palin were a man, the family situation would still give me pause. But as much as it (kinda?) troubles me to admit it . . . not as long a pause. Because, dang it, Sarah Palin is a mother, and I’m a mother, and I know how it *feels* to be a mother, and these feelings lead me to wonder two things. First, is it really possible for Palin to give her full time and attention to the monumental task of running the country when she has so much going on in her family life?

And second (and this is the REALLY tricky one, and I’m not trying to offend anyone

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Mental Health Day for this CRAZY Bloggin’ Canuck

I took a Mental Health Day yesterday. In an ideal world, a person does not almost end up in the psych ward trying to plan their mental reprieve but that is what happened when Haddie’s playgroup almost fell though and then my bike’s tire went flat and no one had the correct-sized nozzle to pump it up.

Oh, and did I mention I am a single parent this week because Jamie is back East on business? Hence the reason for the Mental Health Day. It may come as a surprise to those who know what a social being I am but I looooove to be alone. But marriage + kids = alone no more.

Fortunately, everything came together at the last minute and I had seven blissful hours all to myself. And what did I do? Why, I’m glad you asked!

1) I went to Boulder, Colorado’s outdoorsy, green-living Mecca. Where residents are freakishly athletic and the dreg-locked CU students can pass as homeless people.

And where I finally conquered something on my dying-to-do list: I biked up (and up and up) Boulder Canyon and then cruised down along the Boulder Creek Trail.

It was a killer 2-hour ride and I thought I had put in a respectable effort until two GRANDMAS cruised past me.

Mind you, these are Boulder Grannies, which makes them superior among their blue-haired species.

2) After my ride, I showered. And shaved. These alone should warrant recognition of some kind.

3) I grabbed lunch and went to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. Alone. Ever been to a movie alone? When I was single, I used to do it all the time. And I loooooove it because I don’t have anyone asking me questions or begging me to take them to the bathroom.

Other than those two annoyances, Jamie was certainly missed.

Though exhausting, I was thrilled with how much I was able to do. Not that we’re ever lackadaisical. When Haddie is in preschool, Bode and I always cram a lot into our three-hour window–from biking to hiking to going for walks.

One of the other mothers at preschool is amazed by this and last week, I relayed a conversation I had with her to Jamie:

“And then I asked her what she does while her kids are in school.”

“And what did she say?”


“Amber, I encourage you to pursue friendships with women who are great examples like this.”

So, here’s your question: you have seven hours to yourself. What do you do? Play? Shop? Sleep? Or [gulp] Clean? (Though if you answer affirmatively to the latter point, I don’t think we can be friends. :-) Let’s hear about your ideal Mental Health Day!

I Love My Life

“I love my life.”

This is the title of a blog post Stephanie Nielson wrote on July 22nd. And why shouldn’t she love her life? She is gorgeous, inspiring, has a handsome husband and beautiful children.
Her blog is a place where she captures the wonderment of simple day-to-day living. Where she writes love letters to her beloved “Mr. Nielsen.” Where every moment is treasured and every child celebrated.

A month later, she was in critical condition in a burn unit clinging to her life.

As many of you have already heard, the blogsophere has rallied around her and her husband’s recovery with auctions and prayers.

Even though I had never heard of her until the plane crash, her story has resonated with me. And it should resonate with all of us. How one day, our life as we know it can slip between our fingers.

The past couple of weeks, our little family’s pace has slowed and moments have lengthened.

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