The act of juggling

Yes, I’m still alive. It is just the busiest week of our summer as we juggle Haddie’s art camp, Bode’s sports camp, and church and work meetings.

Who said summer was about R&R?

We had quite the week with a summer party in our backyard with neighbors.

Judging from the face of Bode’s bestie, the Fudgesicles were a hit.

As was the 6-mile mountain bike ride as Haddie finally conquered her new mountain bike.

The kiddos were the guests of honor at the inauguration at the Children’s Museum of Denver’s new interactive science exhibit 3, 2, 1…Blast Off (see my review here).

Not to be forgotten was hitting Water World on Wednesday. If you’ve never been to the nation’s biggest and baddest waterpark with 46 water adventures, you’re missing out. This was our best visit ever.

Disclaimer: The first time we went three years ago, baby Bode almost drowned when he fell off the ledge of the lazy river and I dove in after him, tubes flailing everywhere. For my second Water World experience, my friends’ teen-agers dragged me on every suicidal ride in the park–moderately traumatic for a water hater like myself.

Picnics are welcome, however, all beverage containers must be factory sealed. I did not know this and brought along my trusty CamelBak water bottle. Upon inspecting my bag, the worker told me I’d need to dispose of my water. After obliging, I queried “But my firearms are OK, right?”

And yes, such joking would’ve gotten me arrested at the airport.

Once inside the park, we met with a few other Mile High Mamas and their kiddos. Mine were in their element, “It’s like we’re on vacation!” Haddie squealed and she was correct. We were fortunate to chose a day with beautiful weather and minimal crowds.

We were repeatedly told to ride the most popular ride in the park–Voyage to the Center of the Earth–before it got to busy so we high-tailed over there. The problem is this quarter-mile-long plunge into a dark vortex with frightening dinosaurs was a bit too much for my kiddos.

OK, who am I fooling. And for me.

Note to self: Don’t do the scariest ride first.

In the end, the trauma was forgotten and we all had a blast.

Water and all.

Bode’s Big Day and Jamie’s Bad Night

Bode had a big day a few weeks ago. It was his first field trip ever with his preschool class to see the musical Billy the Kid at Heritage Square. He was practically bouncing off the walls and was most excited about riding his first yellow school bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, the anti-climax.

But miraculously, everything lived up to his expectations and he was elated when I retrieved him after school. To keep the party going, I took him to McDonald’s for lunch where he ran into a few of his preschool buddies and played with them for a couple of hours.

That night, he and Jamie went on a father-son camp-out with the Scouts from our ward. Last year when they did a similar getaway, Haddie and I had a Girl’s Night In and rented Beverly Hill Chihuahua. This year was one step up and we rented Scooby Doo: Camp Scare.

Next year, I hope to introduce her to chick flicks, ice cream and Kleenex for the ultimate in girl bonding.

Bode and Jamie had a blast. The church owns property at Lookout Mountain, just 20 minutes outside of town. It was the ultimate in male bonding as Bode joined in the fun and played baseball, capture the flag and tag.

“At one point, the firefighters showed up and Bode got to talk with them and the policeman!” Jamie told me when they arrived home.

I figured it had to be some impressive merit badge to get that many public servants to their campsite.

“Naw,” Jamie continued. “It’s because they started a fire in the enclosed fire pit and there is a ban because of all the wildfires Colorado has been having.”

Scouts may have honor but no one ever said they were smart.

“And another thing,” Jamie worried divulged. “I think Bode may be a bit light in his loafers.”
“Why would you say that?” I queried.

As Jamie tucked Bode into his sleeping bag that night, Bode said:

“This was fun tonight but do you know what is better than camping?”
“What, Bode?”

And our big announcement?

Jamie and I will be appearing on the premiere of NBC’s Marriage Ref on June 26!!!!!!

The week leading up to our big debut, I will be posting about all the behind-the-scenes action of our trip to New York City to film the Marriage Ref back in December.

For additional information, check-out Jamie’s blog and “friend” The Pumpkin Man on Facebook.

Once this guy has a national audience, there’s no turning back on his obsession.

Pray for me.

Bike, Hike or Bust As We Stroll Down My Memory Lane of Misadventures

One of my favorite parts of our daily routine is going for family bike rides. However as Hadley struggled up the hill to our house last week, I noticed her bike is so small that her knees were practically in her chest (no small feat for a girl who inherited her father’s lack of flexibility).

I resolved to get her a new bike but there was a problem: We didn’t have the money and so I started surveying our house to see what I could sell. We got rid of most of our baby items but for sentimental reasons I have been holding onto two of them: Our beloved REI Baby Carrier Backpack and our Double Chariot Jogger/Bike Trailer, the Rolls-Royce of strollers.

These two items were our vehicles for adventure during my kids’ formative years and I have been strolling down memory lane as I part with them. There were the hundreds of hikes I did with both kids in the backpack.

Our marathon ride to Breckenridge with the Chariot bike trailer that almost did us in.

My crazy idea to snow hike with the kids in the Chariot at Chautauqua.
My Dumb-and-dumber attempt to haul both kids all the way to Golden.

Or the near-nervous breakdown it caused in Canada.

I sold the Chariot for $300 and in addition to purchasing some household items, I was thrilled to buy Hadley a kick-butt Specialized mountain bike with shocks yesterday. I’d like to say she effortlessly adjusted to her new bike but remember It’s Like Learning How to Not Kill Your Child As She Learns to Ride a Bike that detailed the travails of teaching her?

This was that bad and worse as she freaked out about being unable to reach the ground.

In retrospect, we should have lowered the seat.

As she lamented about her tough life, we were privy to a rather disturbing glimpse at Jamie’s.

“You know what I rode for TWO YEARS AFTER MY BIKE WAS STOLEN? THE CACTUS FLOWER!” he bellowed. “Yes, that’s right. We were so poor I had to ride my sister’s yellow bike with a white basket and daisies emblazed across it as my buddies rode $500 Redlines.”

We all have our moments of childhood trauma and judging from this list of misadventures, my kiddos will have a good share of their own.

Sweet Sabbath Day Solutions

It’s hot in Denver. Really hot. 95-degree weather is something I’d anticipate in July but not early-June.

Hence the reason why the kids and I will be spending most of next month in gloriously cooler Canada.

In this kind of weather, I make myself scarce. I wake up early to play outside and hunker down with my air-conditioner in the sweltering afternoon. Today is one of those days but it’s also Sunday. As a family rule and part of our faith, we try our darnedest to “keep the Sabbath day holy.” This is a matter of interpretation but for us, we try to spend time as a family. We avoid sporting events, uproarious activities and shopping and instead focus on bettering ourselves and those around us.

And napping. I luuuuuuv my Sunday nap.

We look forward to this “day off from our labors” and it truly is a wonderful time to rejuvenate and refocus our attentions on our family.

Unless it’s really hot and your husband turns on the sprinklers to water the lawn. Moments later, I heard Hadley bolt up the stairs. Now, let me preface this by saying what Haddie requested is in that gray area of Sabbath worship but I knew it would ultimately lead to other requests not in line with how we spend our day.

“Mommy, can we change into our swimsuits and race around in the sprinklers?”

“I don’t know, Hadley. Do you think that’s a very appropriate activity for the Sabbath?”

“I have an idea! We can sing church songs as we do it!”

What Summer Break Looks Like Chez Nous

In mid-June we start the onslaught of art and sports camps, followed by two weeks of swim lessons and then we’ll be in Canada for most of July.

The next two weeks are gloriously devoid of commitments and we are taking full advantage of them. Thus far we have seen PJs still on at 5 p.m.

Mismatched clothes….

….and a mother who is pretending she does not care.

A fridge stocked with lemonade and glorious fresh fruits.

Slip ‘n slides….

Bike rides in Cheeseman Park,
Slack rope walking,
Father-son sports bonding,

Crawdad fishing at Lakecrest Park with a bunch of kids from church.
(Hadley was the only girl getting down and dirty with the boys. I told her to play nicely because they are her future dating pool.)

Lest you think everyone is in a celebratory mood, let our thoughts turn to a very depressed Fat Kitty who is no longer allowed outside after his walk on the wild side.

We may have to make an exception to circumvent just how pathetic he has become.

So longs, farewells

Tuesday was the final day of school. Even though I’m looking forward to summer break, I was dreading the juggling act of work and home. For my final moments of freedom, I hiked Belcher Hill at White Ranch Park.
When I first got married and moved to Colorado, I was jobless so spent a lot of time exploring the local hiking trails while Jamie worked. I struggled with the transition but he tried to relieve me of my guilt by explaining, “I’ll earn the money and you spend it.”

I’ve never looked back.

Unfortunately he has and I’ve been working a lot lately, leaving little time for my favorite recreational follies. But on Tuesday, I needed a couple of hours to myself before summer kicked off.

As I started climbing, I realized this was the same hike I had done the day I found out I was pregnant with Hadley. Bursting with excitement, trepidation and gratitude, I remembered these emotions like they were yesterday.

And they became my today.

I reflected upon the almost eight years since that hike: all the highs, lows and joys of raising our family. My pregnancies, their early years, the first day we moved into our sparky new house and I thought, “I can never be unhappy here.” And I was right. It’s been the ride of my life since that hike and I would not change even one thing.

It’s no wonder that when I picked up Bode for his final day of preschool–the end of an era–that I started blubbering as we said good-bye to his dear teachers, Ms. Jan and Ms. Vicky, who also taught Hadley.

Next, we retrieved Hadley who was brimming with enthusiasm and her exuberance was infectious. Before us, we have 80+ glorious days to play, relax, travel and just be together.

And I intend to make the most of every, single one of them.

The (Fat Kitty) Party’s Over

That’s right, folks: Fat Kitty ate his own invitation. Evidently he was still bitter over his traumatic photography session.

Haddie’s Fat Kitty-themed birthday party went off without a hitch thanks to my right-hand woman, Tina. There were games like the cats (kids) balancing the mouse (hard-boiled eggs) with a few uncooked ones thrown in to keep it interesting.
And then there was the tour on the darkest, scariest part of the house: Fat Kitty’s kitty litter box.
I didn’t clean it for the entire week, just to add to the effect.

And mostly because I was just lazy. No worries, though. The children’s kitty litter scooping contest involved Tootsie Rolls instead of poop.

Next time they won’t be so lucky.
All in all, it was a fun, low-maintenance party.

But the biggest question of the day: did Fat Kitty make an appearance at his own party? Fleetingly.

He’s still recovering from the trauma.